Sunday, July 24, 2011


Got my first, not last, climb in for this summer of 2011. Joined a group of eight others, six new fun faces, to scale up Huron Peak. There were no technical challenges, but it was a good physical effort. According to my book, we ascended 3,400 feet in about two miles, which is a pretty good angle. But, this day was clear and visibility was forever it seemed. One gentleman, an experienced climber, pointed out all Colorado ranges from the peak, except the Sangre de Cristo, which view was blocked from higher ridges between them and our perch. This included the San Juan range, which surrounds Pagosa. Since my mileage from Pagosa to the campsite was just over 200 miles, that would indicate a pretty good distance to scan the skyline. Our climb began to the side of a beautiful creek meadow, with pond perfectly still and reflecting a mountain background. At several points one could see the “three apostles”, so named for three challenging mountains linked together. These were ones only the extremest of the extreme climbers would attempt. Scary. It certainly was a busy route, I assume partly due to the glorious Colorado weekend. Many people, and dogs, were along the way and on the top. Following the climb a few more, including me, continued on with another, under 14,000, adjacent to Huron. Called Brown, it was a bit more involved with hand and foot contact, but still yielded beautiful views of the area surrounding. Unlike many parts of the country suffering drought and heat, this area still has quite a bit of snow left from the winter fall. Accordingly, grass was green, wildflowers in bloom, and brooks and waterfalls, were gurgling and tumbling in fervor. All in all a very good weekend, and a great escape.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Guitar art

This will be a different type of trip.For a change this journey will document the "slow" process of my painting, using an old guitar as a canvas. Some have seen my previous two efforts on guitars, but this will be a far greater challenge. Even though I have tried portraits a time or two, all have been years ago, and frankly were not too impressive. But, for a year I have practiced sketching with pencil, and have adapted a style which gives me courage to take this next step. That step is to utilize the colors of paint. I have outlined several singer songwriters and will paint them on all sides of this old guitar I obtained. Advice is not to guess who each may be. Once I begin to put paint to the face, each takes its own suggestion and becomes an entirely different person. Perhaps there will be a resemblance from time to time, but not likely. The most astute observer may notice a certain style in my work, but even that is not important. For me it will be an opportunity to practice several times due to the number of musicians selected. I know, just know, that each one will be different and have differences. It will be interesting to see how the last compares to the first. From it all I will learn. And, maybe I will have a unique art piece as well.