Thursday, July 21, 2011

Guitar art

This will be a different type of trip.For a change this journey will document the "slow" process of my painting, using an old guitar as a canvas. Some have seen my previous two efforts on guitars, but this will be a far greater challenge. Even though I have tried portraits a time or two, all have been years ago, and frankly were not too impressive. But, for a year I have practiced sketching with pencil, and have adapted a style which gives me courage to take this next step. That step is to utilize the colors of paint. I have outlined several singer songwriters and will paint them on all sides of this old guitar I obtained. Advice is not to guess who each may be. Once I begin to put paint to the face, each takes its own suggestion and becomes an entirely different person. Perhaps there will be a resemblance from time to time, but not likely. The most astute observer may notice a certain style in my work, but even that is not important. For me it will be an opportunity to practice several times due to the number of musicians selected. I know, just know, that each one will be different and have differences. It will be interesting to see how the last compares to the first. From it all I will learn. And, maybe I will have a unique art piece as well.

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