Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Santiago, Marzo 17, 2013

I am trying to ´mood´ myself into excitement and eagerness towrd this next journey.  Not truthfully expendit great energy to do so. Other things have temporarily delayed the nearness. I had a hurried visitation tour of many friends and family prior to my Texas departure. I am blessed to have friends and family who put up with my opinions and silliness. But they do. They even feed, house and guide me. I appreciate it and love each and everyone. I miss them often. But, the calendar rules, the days tick off before flight schedules.

So, Texas is left behind, Colorado rises up literally, as I go home, be it a physical, emotional or spiritual place. Some know it deeply within, embrace it, hold tightly, others not so consciously, only feeling tension and anxiety when removed, misplac ed like a wild animal, caught and caged, never understanding the circumstances. But, they know it is not right. They do not know their place, but I do know mine. It is a deep tap root that holds me in place. On my way home I passed a small country church with the billboard message, Peace is not the absence of diversity, but the presence of (ones´s higher power). The presence is everywhere and for me is less cloudy in these mountains.

So here is my place of peace. I visit other friends here, again housed and fed and cared for. Like baptism I am watered (with snowfall), blessed and prepared for journey, for experience, for much that will be unveiled shortly. Now I wait for the last leg to Santiago, the unknown calls, and I go toward the siren.

As I row, row, row
Going so slow, slow, slow
Just down below me
Is the old sea, is the old sea

Nobody knows, knows, knows
So many things, things, so
So out of range
Sometimes so strange
Sometimes so sweet
Sometimes so lonely.

The further I go, no letters from home never arrive
And I´m alone all of the way
All of the way alone and alive
Just have to go, go, go
Where I don´t know, know, know
This is the thing, somebody said
Somebody told me a long time ago. (P. Griffin)

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